The Field Experiment goes online with Field Experiment #3, testing the ability of viewers to connect to the cosmos by "imagining a field" after staring into static
NEW YORK, January 13, 2011 -- MomenTech's Institute of Static Studies (ISS) has released Field Experiment #3, an online version of the original Field Experiment, an interactive, site-specific audiovisual project that explores meditation, self-hypnosis, the media and our cosmic origins by asking participants to imagine a field after having stared into live television static for a period of 10 seconds.
NOTE: Because it does not utilize live television static, Field Experiment #3 should not be used as a substitute for the original Field Experiment.
Anyone can participate in Field Experiment #3.
To conduct Field Experiment #3, simply follow these instructions:
1. Load video shown here or go to
2. Select "Full Screen" option
3. Press "Play"
4. Stare directly into the center of the screen.
5. In your head, count slowly the numbers backwards from 10 to 1 (at the rate of approximately one number per second)
6. When you get to the number "1," close your eyes.
7. Imagine a field.
The amount of time the participant stays in this position, with eyes closed in front of the television, is up to the participant.
That completes one installation of Field Experiment #3.
"A small percentage of the static that you see on an analog television, when it's tuned to an empty channel, is from the Big Bang," notes artist Rick Doble, who uses analog television static in his work, in an NPR interview with Guy Raz.
"It's really the echo of the Big Bang. It's called cosmic microwave background radiation or CMBR. And this is being picked up by the television signal."

(image: NASA/WMAP Science Team).
Raz: So, this echo from billion of years ago...
Doble: Right...
Raz: still echoing...
Doble: 13 billion years ago.
Raz: communicating to us through terrestrial television.
In a world where digital television is the norm, the ability to access live static is getting more and more difficult. It can also be argued that in a world increasingly inundated with information, it is increasingly harder to find moments of quiet reflection.
Information/media overload, meditation, hypnosis, and the cosmos are all themes explored in Field Experiment, which recalls Nam June Paik's 1974 sculpture/installation "TV-Buddha," in which an antique statue of Buddha "watches" itself on a closed-circuit television.
But the Buddha is also being "watched" by the video camera. As Hartmut Neven, a computer scientist and vision expert at Google, said, "Machines will definitely be able to observe us and understand us better. Where that leads is uncertain."

closed circuit video installation (video camera, monitor) with bronze sculpture
Viewers, then, become vessels that channel the Universe's earliest signals of activity through their mental ability to, quite prosaically, "imagine a field" through the use of self-hypnosis.
It is relatively easy to meditate in a quiet environment. But one's true ability to meditate is demonstrated by meditating in the most chaotic of environments -- to "imagine a field" through the static.
Wikipedia defines meditation as "any of a family of techniques that involve the self-induction of a mode of consciousness in order to realize some benefit." For the deepest meditation, one has to not only focus on one object, but to make the awareness itself be that object. This way the focus of consciousness is turned back to the self. In this sense, Field Experiment might simply be used as a meditation technique.
However, any successful installation of Field Experiment also offers a way to (re)connect with the origins of the cosmos in the form of the cosmic microwave background radiation that is readily accessible through an analog television that is tuning in a "non-channel."
Producers of The Field Experiment are encouraged to gather the following data, but it is not required for a successful installation:
1. the age/gender of each participant
2. the length of time each participant stays in front of the television with their eyes closed
3. the size of the viewing screen
4. the decibels (db) of the audio of the level (i.e., the volume level of the static)
5. any post-experiment participant comments
This data can be displayed to the public in conjunction with the installation of The Field Experiment, and can also be sent directly to the Institute of Static Studies for analysis.
For more information, email MomenTech/Institute of Static Studies:
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